Fire Intervention Principles

Tarih 18.07.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Life on Land, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

In the webinar on Fire Intervention Principles, Dr. Serdar BÜYÜKİPEKCİ moderated by Konya Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department Fire Brigade Intervention Branch Manager Mehmet YILDIRIM took part as an invited speaker.

Fire intervention principles are a very important issue. Fire is a disaster that spreads rapidly and can cause great damage. For this reason, certain principles should be taken into consideration in fire intervention.

1. Rapid Intervention: The most important step in fire situations is rapid response. For this reason, fire brigades should reach fire notifications as soon as possible and quickly arrive at the scene.

2. Team Work: Teamwork is vital in fire response. It is necessary to ensure coordination between fire brigades and act in cooperation.

3. Risk Assessment: Fire brigades should first conduct a risk assessment and identify potential hazards when they arrive at the scene.

4. Planned Intervention: Fire brigades should intervene in a planned manner against the fire. Upon arrival at the scene, they should quickly plan and determine extinguishing strategies.

5. Use of Equipment: Using the right equipment is of great importance. It is vitally important that fire brigade personnel have the necessary equipment and can use this equipment correctly.

6.Fire Protection Awareness: In addition to creating fire protection awareness in the community, the public should be informed about issues such as how to call for help to the fire brigade.

Considering these basic principles, useful information was shared for both public institutions and citizens.