First Prize in the Future of Water Competition

Tarih 28.06.2022
Birim Faculty of Engineering
SDG Clean Water and Sanitation

In the project competition on "The Future of Water" organized by ASELSAN and the Presidential Human Resources Office, the team consisting of Aeronautical Engineering students Tolunay Dağ and Furkan Çetin under the leadership of Abdilbaki Kıvrak, a 3rd year student of Mechatronics Engineering of our Faculty, won the 1st place with their project titled "Mulberry Branch".

Students; They won the 10,000 TL award as the 1st among 125 teams with their project called "Yakamoz", which covers the search for water resources with an unmanned aerial vehicle, the analysis of the resources found and the real-time detection of forest fires. At the same time, the 6 teams that made it to the finals in the competition were entitled to the ASELSAN trip, while the first 3 teams that ranked had the opportunity to participate in the sustainability training organized by ASELSAN.

We congratulate all the teams, especially our students, who put forward projects by working for a livable world, and wish them continued success.