Food Processing Department organized a technical trip to Ova Flour Factory A. Ş. within the scope of Grain Products Technology course.

Tarih 27.12.2023
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Our 2nd year students of the Department of Food Processing, Flour and Bakery Products Technology Program organized a technical trip within the scope of the Cereal Products Technology course. Course instructor Lecturer. See. Under the leadership of Öznur EYMİR, Ova Flour Factory A.Ş. was visited. Ova Flour Factory Production Manager Emel ERDOĞAN informed our students about flour production, quality control processes and stated that they will continue their support for Vocational Practice. Our students had the opportunity to see and get to know the Ova Flour Factory, which produces flour using the latest technology. At the end of the program, our students thanked Ova Flour Factory A.Ş. Production Manager Emel ERDOĞAN for their hospitality and interest.