Forest Fires

Tarih 28.07.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Life on Land

Lecturer from Dumlupınar University attended our webinar program on Forest Fires. Ali TELLİ participated. Referring to the effects of forest fires in our country in recent years, TELLİ mentioned that our country has taken precautions in many issues and the importance in terms of the capabilities of the teams at the point of intervention and added the following to his words:

Forest fires are disasters that seriously threaten the lives of nature and people and can cause great damage. Such fires are usually caused by drought, lightning strikes or man-made factors. Controlling and extinguishing forest fires can take a long time and require great effort.

One of the most important elements in fighting forest fires is rapid response. It is of great importance that fire brigades and forest authorities take immediate action at the first signs of fire and reach the scene. It is also critical to take protective measures against fire in forests. Negligence such as lighting fires and throwing cigarette butts in forest areas should be minimized.

It is also vital to raise public awareness on fire protection measures. Citizens should be made to behave carefully in forests through accurate information and education activities. In addition, policies to minimize the causes of fire outbreaks should be developed and public awareness should be increased.

Technological developments in forest management should also be given importance. Risks in forest areas can be minimized by using new technologies such as fire detection systems and air-assisted intervention equipment.

Finally, international cooperation is also very important in this regard. Forest fires are not the problem of only one country; therefore, joint strategies should be developed on international platforms and joint combat plans should be created.

It should be kept in mind that forest-damaging fires can be prevented or at least their effects can be minimized through effective efforts, taking all these factors into consideration. In this way, both natural life and human life can be protected