Geographically Indicated Products

Tarih 29.08.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Our University Meram Vocational School (Vocational School) Hotel Restaurant and Catering Services Department Cooking Program Lecturer. See. In the webinar titled "Geographically Indicated Products", moderated by Cemil USLU and with the participation of Industrial Property Rights Consultancy Services Trademark Attorney Mustafa TURHAN, participants and students were informed about the added value of Geographically Indicated products and important points to know. Speaker Mustafa TURHAN, who expressed his views on the definition of Geographically Indicated products, the role of Geographically Indicated products in gastronomy, the criteria for a product to receive a geographical indication, the use of geographically indicated products in today's cuisine, the contributions of geographically indicated products to the local economy, the importance of Geographically Indicated products in terms of gastronomy tourism, on brand and patent. The session was concluded by conveying the issues that needed attention.