Faculty of Tourism Quality Management System Training

Tarih 15.03.2024
Birim Quality and Accreditation Coordinatorship
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Within the scope of efforts to increase quality awareness and disseminate quality culture at our university, a training was held to provide information about quality processes.

  "Quality Management System Training" organized by our Quality and Accreditation Coordinatorship was held in a single session at the Faculty of Tourism on March 15, 2024 at 10:00.

The meeting was held by Vice Rector Prof. Dr. It started with the opening speech of Bahadır FEYZİOĞU. Quality and Accreditation Coordinator Prof. Dr. Ahmet TÜRKAN emphasized the content and importance of the Unit Internal Evaluation Report (BİDR) prepared by the units that strengthen the Institution Internal Evaluation Report (KİDR), which is sent regularly every year to the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK). He made detailed explanations about the contributions of the Strategic Plan, which will be prepared especially for the full measurement of the BIDR reports prepared by the Units within the framework of PUKO and at the maturity level. Prof. Dr. Türkan stated that conducting needs analysis, obtaining stakeholder opinions, establishing the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the institution and defining performance indicators in the preparation of the strategic plan will contribute greatly to the institution's progress with concrete steps towards the future.

Prof. Dr. Türkan gave information about the process of defining learning outcomes for the qualifications to be placed in the Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYÇ) and defining learning outcomes, knowledge, skills and competencies. The training ended with questions and answers and good wishes for the future.
