Graphic Design Department Students' Work Illustration Exhibition: Infographic

Tarih 06.06.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities

Graphic Design Department 2. classroom students learn as part of the illustration lesson. See. They prepared an exhibition consisting of Infographic Illustration Works of Students of the Graphic Design Department, where Meram Vocational School Departments were introduced under the coordination of Pınar AKYÜZ. Meram MYO 6.The exhibition held on the floor Meram MYO Director Assoc. Dr. Süleyman DOĞU , Deputy Director of Meram Vocational School, Dr. Teach Member Turan AKDAĞ, Head of Graphic Design Department Asst. See. Serpil YAKUT , Head of the department of Civil Defense and Firefighting Program, Property Protection and Security Program and department teachers Dr. Teach Member Serdar BÜYÜKIPEKÇI , Teach. See. Ali GIRAY, Ögr. See. Murat, STUDY and Learn. See. Irfan ARGUZ and Head of the Cooking Program Department Asst. See. A beautiful exhibition was held at the exhibition with the participation of Cemil USLU, where departments were introduced and the introduction of the Civil Defense and Firefighting Program, Property Protection and Security Program departments and the Civil Defense and Firefighting Program exercises were carried out. Meram Vocational School Director, assistant directors and head of department who participated in the exhibition with the infographic illustrations they prepared as part of the course, received full marks by our teachers. Instagram July With the student works shared on the Meram Myo instagram page, the departments in our school will continue to be introduced with infographic post designs throughout the month of July. Teach our executor in the project. See. We would like to thank Pınar AKYÜZ, our students and all our teachers for their efforts.