Hand hygiene and Environmental Cleaning (Disposal of waste in appropriate boxes / Recycling)

Tarih 22.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Responsible Consumption and Production, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Within the scope of the Nursing Education Course of our Faculty's Nursing Education Department, a training titled 'Hand Hygiene and Environmental Cleaning (Disposal of wastes in appropriate boxes/Recycling)' was given to Kindergarten Students of Zeliha Lütfi Kulluk Primary School affiliated with Konya Provincial Directorate of National Education. The training was carried out by 2nd Year Nursing students under the supervision of Dr. Aliye ÇAYIR and Dr. Fatma YENER ÖZCAN on 22.12.2023. Kindergarten students and our students came together and had nice interactions. With this training, the importance of keeping the environment clean, contributing to preventing environmental pollution by throwing waste into appropriate waste bins, the importance of recycling, what can be recycled, the colors of waste bins for recycling, as well as individual hygiene and hand washing steps were explained. Finally, the students were given sample wastes and asked to throw them into the appropriate waste bin, and proper hand washing was carried out together. In this way, efforts were made to develop the behavior of throwing appropriate waste into the appropriate bin correct hand washing behavior, and raise awareness about recycling.