Human Rights Conference at Meram Vocational School

Tarih 27.12.2023
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Reduced Inequalities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

In the conference titled "Human Rights" organized by Meram Vocational School, attention was drawn to human rights violations in the world. Speaking at the conference, Lecturer Ülkü Göktürk explained the violations of rights experienced by Palestinian and Muslim peoples. Göktürk stated that people's right to life was taken away due to the Israeli occupation in Palestine and said, "Palestinians are subjected to all kinds of oppression in the occupied territories. Their houses are destroyed, their children are killed and their freedoms are restricted. This situation is against international law." Human rights are the fundamental rights and freedoms that all human beings are born with. These rights are guaranteed by international law."
"Human rights violations are a problem for all humanity. The international community must act together to prevent these violations. Meram Vocational School students and faculty members attended the conference. The conference attracted great interest.