Information and Promotion Meeting for Candidate Students of the Joint Education Program for the 2024-2025 Period

Tarih 20.03.2024
Birim Faculty of Engineering
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

For the 2024-2025 Period Joint Education Program, an informative and promotional meeting was held with the participation of our dean Prof. Dr. Süleyman Savaş DURDURAN, our Department Joint Education Coordinators, and candidate students in the Faculty Conference Hall, where our Faculty Joint Education Coordinator Assoc. Dr. Hüseyin HAKLI gave a presentation.

During the meeting, information was provided to candidate students regarding the evaluation of the current Joint Education Program, companies involved, new term applications, preferences and placement processes, implementation phase, encountered problems, and other important issues related to the program.

The promotional videos sent by the students participating in the 2023-2024 Period Joint Education Program received great appreciation.

With the participation of nearly 150 candidate students in the meeting, it was observed that there is intense interest in the program, and the meeting concluded with a question-and-answer session.