Injection Applications at Özsarı Horse Farm

Tarih 03.06.2024
Birim Konya Ereğli Kemal Akman Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Life on Land, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Proper administration of injections is extremely important for the horse's health. It is critical for the horse's health that the injection site is clean and sterile, that the injection is given in the correct area and that the correct amount of medication is used. Injection sites in horses are places where medication or vaccines are administered. Injections are used for the treatment or prevention of equine health problems. Injection sites may vary depending on the horse's health condition, the type of medication to be administered or the purpose of the injection. Equine injection sites are places where medicines or vaccines are administered to horses. Injections are used for the treatment or prevention of health problems in horses. Injection sites may vary depending on the health condition of the horse, the type of medication to be given or the purpose of the injection. The instructors of the Equine and Coaching program showed the graduating students the common neck injection in horses in practice.