Intellectual Property Law Disputes and WİPO Arbitration

Tarih 20.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

On December 20-21, 2023, within te framework of the “Copyright Law Academy” Project
which is held at the Social Innovation Agency, an oral presentation titled “Intellectual
Property Law Disputes and WİPO Arbitration” was given to a group of students. In this
context, the rights within the scope of intellectual property law and the disputes that arise in
case of violation of rights are generally pointed out, and detailed information is given,
especially about intellectual property law disputes in new areas that arise as a result of
technological developments, by giving examples of specific actual disputes. In this sense, it
has been stated that the search for solutions in national judicial authorities regarding these
disputes, which has cross-border characteristic, especially due to the influence of
globalization, is insufficient. Because the parties are skeptical about the impartiality and
independence of national judicial authorities, trials in official judicial authorities take a long
time, and the parties are not given the opportunity to determine the law to be applied to the
trial process and the dispute. The need arising from the inadequacy of official national
judicial authorities in resolving these disputes has been redressed effectively and efficiently
by the arbitration center established under the World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO), as an independent and impartial organization with international status within the
United Nations. In this context, detailed information about WIPO arbitration, including the
scope of WIPO arbitration, its conditions, application and trial process, the decisions of the
arbitrators and their effects, was presented to the students which are participated in the