International Technical and Engineering Analyses in Hyperspectral Imaging Technology

Tarih 25.07.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Responsible Consumption and Production, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Head of the Department of Flour and Bakery Products Technology, Dr. Hasan İbrahim Kozan, participated in an international meeting focused on hyperspectral imaging technology. This event aimed to explore the technical, engineering, and advanced analytical aspects of hyperspectral imaging and its applications in various fields. The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu, Director of the Vehbi Koç Ankara Studies Research and Application Center at Ankara University, Arzu Beril Kırcı, Project and Event Manager of the same center, our university faculty members Prof. Dr. Oğuz Doğan, Dr. Lecturer Hasan Ali Akyürek, Dr. Lecturer Çetin Öztürk, Deniz Genç from Koç University's Archaeology and Art History Department, Eveline Sint Nicolaas, senior curator of the History Department at The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Willem de Ridder from Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, and researchers Francesca and Frederique. During the meeting, Dr. Kozan gave a presentation on how hyperspectral imaging can be integrated into various applications. In his presentation, he highlighted how this technology can be used to detect quality attributes, contaminants, and other critical parameters affecting product safety and quality. The advanced analytical capabilities of hyperspectral imaging, which provide the advantages of non-destructive testing and real-time monitoring, were showcased through a special case study.