Internship and Job Opportunities in Information Technologies

Tarih 06.05.2024
Birim Academy of Applied Sciences
SDG Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

On 06.05.2024, a training event was held at the UBF Conference Hall where sectoral practices and practices in technology management were shared within the scope of the Technology Management course conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nezahat KOÇYİĞİT, faculty member of the Department of Management Information Systems of our Faculty. Emre BÜYÜKASLAN, a graduate of management information systems and a member of the board of directors of Konya Informatics Association (KOBİDER) with 20 years of software experience, shared the technologies of the age and expectations from the workforce with the students. The event, which continued with questions and answers, where internship opportunities and expectations of employers in internship recruitment were discussed, ended with the presentation of gifts.