Interview “Wildlife and Biodiversity”

Tarih 21.03.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Life on Land

Our Meram Vocational School, Plant and Animal Production Department Lecturer and Director of our School, Assoc. Dr. Süleyman DOĞU was our guest in an interview on the current topics of Wildlife and Biodiversity. In the interview attended by the faculty members and students of Meram Vocational School; EAST “To discover and understand the complex connections in ecosystems, each of which is unique but the same in their functioning and elements”, “To solve the mysteries of biodiversity and develop innovative, science-based technology-oriented solutions to all the challenges encountered, thus aiming for the sustainability of nature”, “Increasing biodiversity in Turkey "The fact that the protection and development of biological and genetic resources is of critical importance for the food and health sectors should not be ignored" and "In order to ensure a sustainable future in Turkey, biodiversity should be emphasized." “He shared his views in the focus.”