Interview with the Management of Konya Cooks Association on the Employment of Cookery Program Students

Tarih 30.03.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Responsible Consumption and Production, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

A conversation was held on the employment of cookery program students and waste management in kitchens by Konya Cooks Association. Moderated by Mutlu TANRIVERDİ, Vice President of Konya Chefs Association, Head of the Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Services, Lecturer Cemil USLU participated in the interview with the students of the Cookery Program, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department and members of the association. Information was given about the advantages of the cookery program, employment status and application areas. The meeting was closed by exchanging views on the measures to be taken on zero waste management in kitchens and the steps to be taken.