Iron Jawed Angels

Tarih 28.11.2023
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Gender Equality, Sustainable Cities and Communities

On November 28th, in another activity, the movie "Angels with Iron Jaws" was watched and interpreted for awareness. The main topic emphasized in the movie was how women in the United States of America won the right to vote and the struggle they showed alongside this. Another issue observed in the movie is the dominant emergence of gender roles as well as violence against women. In this respect, the position of women in society also stands out. Again in this direction, the conflict of gender roles was interpreted by considering the movie scenes. In the movie, it is mentioned that working women must give up their other rights (such as the right to vote) for one right (the right to work), otherwise they will not fulfill their domestic obligations imposed by gender roles. Again, the approach of women in parliament to women who defend their rights is described as "queen bee syndrome", and the fact that men in parliament put pressure on women in parliament, even if not publicly, shows that violence is not only physical, but also psychological and financial, and the participants were asked questions and a discussion was held on this issue. 

Asst. Prof. Muradiye Çevikçelik presented and interpreted the movie at the end of the event, again through the movie, it was shown how women's freedom to seek their rights was won with what results, and in this context, the concepts and facts in the terminology of women's rights were processed and especially tried to be conveyed to the participants. This activity, which constitutes a first in film activities, will be repeated in the future, and different concepts and messages about women's rights will be watched, discussed and interpreted with films in line with the interest of the participants.