Italian Cuisine and Famous Dishes of Italy

Tarih 20.05.2024
Birim Nezahat Keleşoğlu Faculty of Health Sciences
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities

A seminar titled "Italian Cuisine and Famous Dishes of Italy" was held for our students by the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of our Faculty. In this seminar, current information in the literature was presented by Doctor Elif Didem ÖRS DEMET, Research Assistant at the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. In the seminar, Italy's history, geographical features and culinary culture were discussed. It was emphasized that the country is surrounded by sea on three sides and has rich agricultural regions such as the Po River and its delta. Foods and beverages specific to Italy were also discussed extensively in the seminar. Of over 400 different types of cheese, parmesan and mozzarella are known worldwide. Shown as the most important product of the cuisine, pasta (pasta) is among the indispensable dishes of Italian tables, although it varies in the north and south. Along with pasta, the sauces used in the preparation of this dish are among the important menu items around the world. One of the basic products of Italian cuisine is tomato. There is almost no food that does not contain tomatoes. One of the first dishes that comes to mind when Italy is mentioned is pizza. Pizzas prepared with different vegetables and seafood, especially mushrooms grown in the country, have taken their place among the traditional products of the cuisine. Italy is also a country rich with soups and salads. Italian salad is known all over the world. Soups, grouped as thick and watery, are widely consumed, especially for dinner. Italy's coffee culture is also detailed, and it is stated that coffees such as espresso, cappuccino and latte are popular around the world.