Joint Equine Academic Workshop with Universities

Tarih 04.05.2024
Birim Konya Ereğli Kemal Akman Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Organized in cooperation with Necmettin Erbakan University Konya Ereğli Kemal Akman Vocational School Equine and Coaching Program, Kırıkkale University and Turkish Equestrian Federation, II. He participated in the "Core Education Program Education Commission Process Evaluation" at the Equine Academic Workshop. Kırıkkale University Rector Prof. attended the opening program held at Kırıkkale University Rectorate Senate Hall. Dr. Ersan ASLAN, Turkish Equestrian Federation President Hasan Engin TUNCER, Kırıkkale University Secretary General Dr. Lecturer Member Şevket EVCİ, Secretary General of the Turkish Equestrian Federation Önder KARAEŞ and academicians in the Equine and Horse Training Program in our country. The program continued with the participants introducing themselves and sharing their thoughts and opinions about the workshop. After the opening program, the workshop was titled "Core Training Program Education Commission Process The first session titled "Evaluation" started. Gülşen GONCAGÜL, the President of the commission established within the Core Education Program (CEP) in order to include the study contents in the regulations and legislation of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and to ensure curriculum unity, and the members of the commission prepared a statement explaining the details of the studies carried out after the 1st Academic Workshop and the outputs obtained at the end of the interim meetings and the discussions after the process. They made a presentation. The workshop, which consisted of 5 sessions and lasted 2 days, ended with a general evaluation and a tour of Kırıkkale. The decisions taken at the end of the sessions were reported. The sessions were concluded with the general evaluation of the decisions taken and the hope that the workshop meetings would continue in the coming period and that the decisions taken would be beneficial.