Juvenile Pushed To Crime

Tarih 12.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

In terms of the development of law faculty students, a panel was organized on a subject with the participation of experts from different disciplines. The subject of the panel was Juvenile Pushed To Crime. Speeches were made about the conditions under which children become criminals and the reasons that push them to commit crimes. Explanations were made about the security measures applied to children and the sanctions they will face after committing a crime. It was emphasized how society encourages children to commit crimes and what can be done against this. Public Prosecutor Şahsuvar Yıldız, Psychologist Dilara Öksüz, Sociologist Tuğba Soysal, Social Worker Şehnaz Cansu Toklu participated in the panel as speakers to provide information on all these issues.