Koski Technical Trip

Tarih 15.11.2023
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

A Technical Trip was organized with 4th grade students on 15-16 November 2023, within the scope of the Public Health Nursing course, to Konya Wastewater Treatment Facilities, which operate under the General Directorate of KOSKİ. Students observed the sludge treatment carried out to stabilize the sludge formed during the treatment of wastewater. Students who received information about the stages through which wastewater is brought into use, respectively; visited the rough screen, inlet pump station, preliminary settling pools, aeration pools, final settling pools, sludge thickening pools, anaerobic sludge digestion tanks, biogas storage tanks, heat center and energy recovery unit, sludge dewatering plant and sludge pump stations. We would like to thank KOSKİ for providing this opportunity to our students.
