Kurtaran Nefes Student Community organized a blood donation event together with Turkish Red Crescent Konya Branch.

Tarih 15.11.2023
Birim Health Vocational School
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Our Vocational School, First and Emergency Aid program 1st grade students organized a "Blood Donation" event within the body of our school "Kurtaran Nefes Student Community" with the contributions of Turkish Red Crescent Konya Branch. Our students saved many lives by donating blood and encouraging people to donate blood. We would like to thank our students who contributed to the realization of the event, Turkish Red Crescent Konya Branch, Mr. Engin Çorman, Kurtaran Nefes Student Community and our advisor Lecturer. See. We would like to thank Yasemin Öztürk.
