Let's Walk to Health Step by Step

Tarih 11.05.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Good Health and Well-Being

Within the scope of World Move for Health Day, on May 11, 2024, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Serdar Büyükipekci organized a meaningful walk in the Köyceğiz Campus area of our university. This event was organized to emphasize the importance of healthy living and physical activity. Meram Vocational School Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süleyman Doğu, our academicians and their families participated in the walk.

The event started with the participants gathering in the campus area in the morning and starting the walk after a short informative speech. Büyükipekci gave a short speech about the necessity of regular physical activity for a healthy life and emphasized the positive effects of physical activity on both physical and mental health.

The walk took place on a pleasant trail that lasted about an hour among the natural beauties of the campus. Participants relieved stress and reinforced their awareness of healthy living by walking in an environment intertwined with nature, accompanied by fresh air. During the walk, the conversations and memories shared among the participants revealed how socially valuable the event was.

Meram Vocational School Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süleyman Doğu stated that such activities strengthen solidarity and communication within the institution and emphasized the importance of promoting healthy living. With the participation of our academicians and their families, the event became even more meaningful.

This walk, organized on World Move for Health Day, reminded the participants once again of the importance of healthy living and enabled the staff of our school to come together and organize a nice event. We have once again seen how effective such activities are in raising health awareness and strengthening social bonds.