Manuscripts of the Period were Discussed at the Sahib Ata Conferences

Tarih 30.06.2022
Birim Rectorate
SDG Sustainable Cities and Communities

This month's guest of the Sahib Ata Conferences organized in cooperation with our University's Seljuk Culture and Civilization Application and Research Center and Konya Foundations Regional Directorate, Konya Manuscripts Regional Director Bekir Şahin talked about the subject of 'Seljuk and Sahib Ata Period Manuscripts'.   Konya Foundations Regional Director Nurullah Osmanlı, Deputy Director of our University Seljuk Culture and Civilization Application and Research Center Dr. Lecturer Member Zekeriya Şimşir, Konya Foundations Regional Deputy Director Hilal Aydemir, academicians, students and guests attended.   Konya Manuscripts Regional Director Bekir Şahin stated that the owner Ata Fahrettin Ali had madrassas built because the city was devastated and destroyed by the enemies, the great scientific centers of Anatolia were empty and the scientists left these places. Şahin said that sahib Ata aimed to revitalize the religious, intellectual and scientific life in Anatolia.   Stating that Hazrat Mevlana spoke highly of Sahib Ata Fahrettin Ali, Şahin said, “Hz. Regarding Mevlana, Owner Ata; He said, 'The great scholar is a brother of ours who has a religious temper, good morals, fears God, and protects and watches over the oppressed.' "In addition, Sultan Veled has a poem of 21 couplets describing this venerable person," he said.   Emphasizing that they estimate that there are approximately 1 million manuscripts in Turkey, Konya Manuscripts Regional Manager Bekir Şahin said, “This figure shows that we are one of the richest geographies in the world. Of a nation; The most reliable evidence of science, art and culture are undoubtedly the works of art from that period. Manuscripts concern not only the world of science with the information they contain, but also our world of culture and art in terms of book arts. "The respect shown to written material constitutes the essence of Seljuk librarianship and Seljuk book arts," he said.   After the speech, the program ended with Konya Foundations Regional Director Nurullah Osmanlı presenting a plaque to Konya Manuscripts Regional Director Bekir Şahin.