Migration and Health Conference

Tarih 27.12.2022
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The conference titled "Priority Health Problems of the Society: Migration and Health", organized by the 3rd Standard Working Group of our Faculty Accreditation Commission, was held on December 27, 2022, with the participation of 88 internal and external stakeholders. Within the scope of the conference, Specialist Doctor İsmail Hakkı TUNÇEZ from Konya Provincial Health Directorate Public Health Services Department informed our internal and external stakeholders about "Health Service Provision for Immigrants and Problems Encountered". Mr. TUNÇEZ answered the participants' questions about the health services provided in immigrant health centers, the screenings performed and the most common health problems. The training issues required by immigrants registered in these centers and the possible cooperation with our Faculty to provide these trainings were discussed. It was shared that adding a course on the health effects of migration to the curriculum would be beneficial for nursing students who will treat and care for patients from different cultures in the future.