Migration Workshop was held

Tarih 26.03.2022
Birim Rectorate
SDG Quality Education

The Migration Workshop, jointly organized by Gaziantep Cihannüma Solidarity and Cooperation Association, was held in Gaziantep on March 26, 2022. Workshop; While focusing on the distinction, similarities and problems of immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers and solutions, the need for reshaping humanity and the region around ancient values ​​was brought to the agenda. Working on topics such as Harmony and Cohesion, Economy, and Education, the workshop was attended by Prof. Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Department of Sociology. Dr. Ahmet Koyuncu was among the members of the working group. Link Link: https://www.cihannuma.org/goc-calistayi-sonuc-raporu-yayinlandi