Museum Week Event

Tarih 16.05.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Within the scope of the Museum Week, Meram Vocational School Property Protection and Security Department students visited Konya Darul Mülk Exhibition Palace with Dr. Lecturer Serdar Büyükipekci. Prof. Dr. Serdar Büyükipekci visited Konya Darul Mülk Exhibition Palace. This meaningful visit was organized to improve students' awareness of cultural heritage and to reinforce their knowledge on museum security.

During the visit, students received detailed information about the Anatolian Seljuk rulers and art collections in the exhibition palace. Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Serdar Büyükipekci explained the importance of museum security and current practices in this field. The students, who had the opportunity to observe the security protocols that should be considered during the protection and exhibition of the works, enriched their theoretical knowledge on museum security with practical experiences.

Learning about the cultural value of Konya Darul Mülk Exhibition Palace, the students realized that museum security is not only limited to the physical protection of artifacts, but also includes fire safety, electronic security systems and emergency planning. Dr. Büyükipekci provided his students with comprehensive information on these topics and increased their professional knowledge.

The visit raised students' awareness of museum security and property conservation and provided them with the knowledge and skills necessary for the protection of cultural heritage. This event, organized on the occasion of Museum Week, both educated and inspired the students.