Narcotic Training Truck Met with Students of the Vocational School of Health Services.

Tarih 22.12.2023
Birim Health Vocational School
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The students of the Vocational School of Health Services of our University were given the “Training on Combating Substance Abuse” by the Konya Narcotics Crime Prevention Branch Directorate. Information on drug use was given within the scope of the training.
In order to inform the students of our vocational school about the fight against substance use and addiction, theoretical training was given by the Konya Narcotics Crime Prevention Branch Directorate in the Ahmet Keleşoğlu Theology Faculty Mevlana hall with examples of what happened. In the continuation of the training, simulation-supported training about addiction and addiction struggle was provided and purposeful information was provided in the "Narcotic Training Truck (Narko-Tir)" in the garden of Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Education. In the Narko-Tir, police officers Durmus Koçak and Ismail Akbulut informed our students about the importance of combating narcotic crimes with educational materials, the “SLEEPING” Project, substance abuse, substance use and its effects, the fight against substance abuse and rehabilitation centers.
Regarding the subject, Yasemin Öztürk, Lecturer at the Vocational School of Health Services, said, “We are carrying out many trainings for our students at our vocational school with the desire to raise young people who are highly aware and useful to the environment and society. In this context, in order to draw attention to substance Deciency, which is unfortunately widespread among young people and which we also encounter from time to time among medical personnel, our director Prof. Dr. We organized a seminar with the valuable contributions of Tugrul Yilmaz. This event, which we organized in order for our students to be more aware and sensitive to drug use, was accompanied by a dea training truck, and substance abuse was explained visually. I would like to thank Konya Narcotics Crime Fighting Branch Directorate on behalf of our school for this event." said.
First and Emergency Aid Program that conveys its thoughts on the subject 1. class student Abdulkadir BALCI said, "In this conference, we were informed by our police officers about their experiences and experiences, and we were informed about the operations carried out on narcotics with the narco training truck, which has a limited number of transportation in Turkey, despite the fact that the conference ended, as in the conference, we vividly saw the operations carried out on narcotics.” he used his expressions.
Oral and Dental Health Program of our students participating in the training 1. class student Emine MEMIŞ “At the conference, we understood why substance use is more common in young people, the factors of starting drugs, and the biggest factor is curiosity and a friendly environment, a lot happens when you proceed with the logic of “Nothing happens once”. On the way to substance abuse, we learned that the fake state of well-being disappeared after a while, as a result of which the dose of the substance was increased or the substance was changed.” he expressed his thoughts in the form of.
Oral and Dental Health Program 2. class student Berivan KAYBAR “In this event, I learned that the use of narcotic substances is a crime, its symptoms as an external appearance in people, in fact, I learned many issues that I do not know or that I know incorrectly, such as how each addiction begins. It was a very productive conference. Thank you very much to the police officers who took the time to give us information about substance abuse." said.
First and Emergency Assistance Program 1. class student Enes Emre Yaşar said, "I learned in the training what kind of factors drugs are started because of, the life risks they carry and how to combat it as a public. We have received detailed information about the "UYUMA" mobile application, which allows us to contact law enforcement agencies. While education taught me to become a more conscious citizen, it made me understand that the logic of "nothing happens once" in our environment is just nonsense words that are said to get us into this trade. The presence of only two narcotic training trucks in our country in this training has further increased our efficiency." said.