No to Violence Against Women Conference

Tarih 28.11.2022
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

 "NO TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN" CONFERENCE WAS HELD IN OUR FACULTY. Within the scope of the 25 November Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the "No to Violence Against Women" conference was held by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing of our Faculty. Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Prof. Dr. The program started with the speeches of Emel EGE and Dr. Lecturer Hamide Aygör, Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services ŞÖNİM Social Worker Ms. Ayşe BALOĞLU and Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services ŞÖNİM Social Worker Edibe GÜYEN continued with their speeches. The program was completed by giving certificates of appreciation to the speakers. We would like to thank our professors and speakers who contributed to the organization of the program. We wish for a world where violence against women is no longer a problem and gender equality is achieved.