Node of History and Memory Seminar

Tarih 27.09.2022
Birim Rectorate
SDG Quality Education, Partnerships for The Goals

The relationship between memory and history is handled through periodization. Periodizing history means more than dividing time into specific slices. In this respect, periodization should not be seen as an area of ​​discussion only within the field of history. To some extent, this is also a field of discussion for other areas of the social sciences. When it comes to sociology, the most important of these elements is memory and the construction of memory. Periodization, which is the link between history and memory, assumes a memory-forming role with ideological formation, if it has a more specific meaning and is necessary for the history part. In other words, periodization is also a memory structure. The subject of this study is Jacques Le Goff's approach to history and especially the relationship between periodization and memory in the axis of periodization ideas. Link: