Occupational Safety Week Seminar at Meram Vocational School Attracted Great Interest

Tarih 10.05.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The seminar organized by Meram Vocational School, Property Protection and Security Department between 4-10 May for occupational safety week attracted great attention. In the seminar, topics such as the importance of occupational safety, the causes and consequences of occupational accidents, ways to prevent occupational accidents, legal regulations regarding occupational safety, the use of personal protective equipment and what to do after a work accident were discussed. The seminar was moderated by Lecturer Occupational Physician from Necmettin Erbakan University Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator attended the seminar held by Ali Giray. Dr. Mehmet Uyar and Occupational Safety Specialist Tamer Seyfettin Burak attended as speakers.

Assoc. Dr. In his speech, Mehmet Uyar said, "Work accidents cause thousands of deaths and millions of liras of material damage every year. In order to prevent work accidents, it is very important for employers and employees to comply with occupational safety rules and have a workplace risk assessment." said.
In his speech, Occupational Safety Expert Tamer Seyfettin Burak said, "In order to prevent occupational accidents, not only employers but also employees must be conscious and comply with occupational safety rules. Correct use of personal protective equipment also plays an important role in preventing occupational accidents." he said. Students who attended the seminar gained important information about occupational safety. Videos describing work accidents were shown at the seminar, and participants were also given the opportunity to ask questions about occupational safety.