On the occasion of Green Crescent Week, information was given about the Green Crescent and the activities carried out.

Tarih 05.03.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Good Health and Well-Being

One of our faculty members at Meram Vocational School Plant and Animal Production  Department, who is also the President of the Konya Branch of Yeşilay (Green Crescent), Dr. Zeliha Üstün Argon , was a live guest on the "Let's Talk in the Studio" program on Tv42. During the program, preventive activities and awareness campaigns regarding drug, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, and technology addiction were discussed. Additionally, rehabilitation activities conducted by the Yeşilay Counseling Center (YEDAM) were elaborated on in detail. The live broadcast recording can be accessed from the link below. 
