Online Presentation at the Faculty of Law on NGOs and their Role Against the Coup

Tarih 15.07.2024
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities

Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Law hosted an online talk on "Civil Society Institutionalism and Coup". The talk focused on the important role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in democracies and their contribution to countering coups. Speakers emphasized that CSOs play an important role in promoting transparency, accountability and participation, which are essential for democracy to function. They also emphasized that CSOs can be an important force of resistance against coups by raising their voices and raising public awareness. The discussion also focused on how civil society organizations in Turkey have fought against coups in the past and present. Participants expressed their views that CSOs should continue to play an active role in protecting democracy. The online discussion ended with questions and answers.