Opportunities and Challenges in the Entrepreneurial Journey (Webinar)

Tarih 23.05.2024
Birim Konya Ereğli Kemal Akman Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

In recent years, the number of young entrepreneurs who want to start their own business and enter the market has increased significantly thanks to the support of universities and government incentives.Within the scope of entrepreneurship, which is one of the main dynamics of economic development, there is a great need for a comprehensive ecosystem that includes various social and economic interactions that facilitate private, public and higher education sectors.As Vocational School, one of the most important activities we can do to support a sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem will be to bring our students together with entrepreneurs.In this context, on 23.05.2024, with the moderation of Süleyman BAYINDIR, Lecturer of Business Management Program of the Department of Management and Organization of our school, Turgutlar Saraciye Leather Construction. Tar. Eng. Dan. San. and Tic. A. Ş. (TUDESS Leather), which operates in our Ereğli district, Mr. Kadir TURGUT, Chairman of the Board of Directors, was a speaker.The establishment and growth story of our company, which produces leather products such as bags and wallets for luxury brands operating in the US and EU markets, was discussed in detail.The event was organized for campus students from different departments.Encouraging entrepreneurship in new graduates, explaining the opportunities with concrete examples and the difficulties they will face in the process were also included.The interview, which the participants watched with interest, ended with the characteristics that entrepreneurs should have and the question and answer session. The event had many contributions and gains for the students. The number of students who want to start their own business Technical trips should be repeated at regular intervals in order for students to engage in more social activities, to increase sensitivity towards stray animals and to become conscious individuals, and it is very important to be able to engage in different activities in order to reinforce success in individuals and to become more social and responsible individuals.