Organ donation week stand by Medical Students of NEU

Tarih 08.11.2023
Birim School of Medicine
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Our aim in this activity is to educate people about what they know about organ donation. To correct their mistakes and prevent their reservations about organ donation. Unfortunately, in our country, 80% of organ donations are from living people, 20% of which are from living people. While it is performed on cadavers, in Europe this ratio is 80% cadaver and 20% live. is realized in the form of donations. Our main goal is to The rate is close to the rate in European countries. To ensure this event, we We opened stands on two different days, at AKEF and SBF. Tell people about this incident We talked about them, learned their ideas, and examined their organs after their death. We work with our university to allow people who want to donate their organs to donate their organs. We had the organ donation form filled out within the union. All this information After 2 days, a total of 73 organ donation participation forms were filled out. These documents It was recorded in our university records.