Organized an Event titled “Books are the Traveler of Kilistra”

Tarih 16.06.2021
Birim Rectorate
SDG No Poverty, Reduced Inequalities

The event was carried out by the Psychology Society within the scope of Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Department of Psychology. Book collection was announced before the event day. Afterwards, the collected books were taken to the Gökyurt Primary School in Meram by the members of the community. After the books were delivered, the members chatted with the students and gave them information about Necmettin Erbakan University. Traditional games such as dodgeball and hide-and-seek were played with primary school students, and face decorations were made with products suitable for their faces.
This activity was held with the aim of both helping the village students with books, making activities with them and emphasizing the importance of helping each other. It fulfilled its aims.