Ottoman Law Texts Workshop Study 5

Tarih 26.03.2024
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Quality Education, Responsible Consumption and Production

Law has always existed to ensure the relations between people living together. In order to learn the history of Turkish law and to have information about how it has developed towards this, it is necessary to have information about Ottoman legal texts. In this context, a semester-long program has been organized in the field of Ottoman legal texts in order for the students of our faculty to learn this field. Within the scope of this program, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akman, a faculty member of our faculty who has knowledge in the field of Ottoman legal texts, makes a presentation. The topic of the fifth week is the reading of the text of the 1876 Constitution. Within the scope of this program, it is aimed that the students of the Faculty of Law will be able to read about Ottoman legal texts and have information about our legal history.