Our students came together at the

Tarih 17.11.2023
Birim Health Vocational School
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Climate Action, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Lecturers Lecturer. See. Dr. Şerife Eylül Duman and Lecturer. See. With the contributions of Yasemin Öztürk, our students who are studying in the First and Emergency Aid Program and Oral and Dental Health program met with Turkish Red Crescent Konya Community Center Social Cohesion Program Officer Mustafa Aytekin and Young Red Crescent Provincial Vice President Responsible for Universities Mr. Esat Erbil Tabak. The event, where the Red Crescent and its activities were explained within the framework of Young Red Crescent Konya Peer Education, took place in the atmosphere of a pleasant conversation where our students found answers to their questions. On behalf of our vocational school, we would like to thank the Red Crescent team, who shared their valuable information with us, for their valuable contributions to our students.
