Our University Became the Leading University for Barista Training in Turkey

Tarih 22.07.2024
Birim Faculty of Tourism
SDG Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Responsible Consumption and Production, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Prof. Dr. Ceyhun Can Özcan, Head of the Department of Tourism Management of the Faculty of Tourism, informed about NEU Barista Workshop. Prof. Dr. Özcan said, “The workshop was established in 2021 within the Faculty of Tourism. Every year, 60 to 90 students studying in NEU Tourism Management and Gastronomy and Culinary Arts departments graduate from NEU Barista Workshop by receiving barista training. At the same time, we provide training to many people such as entrepreneurs, investors and coffee enthusiasts in the sector through KONSEM, the continuing education centre of our university. Within KONSEM, we have trained nearly 600 students since 2021. These students have been awarded certificates in both Turkish and English.” The Barista Workshop received wide coverage in the local press.