Our University Continues Its Work to Start Balloon Tourism in Konya

Tarih 14.12.2022
Birim Rectorate
SDG Life on Land

With the project titled "We Teach the Rising Aviation Profession in Rising Konya", which is carried out by our university and initiated in partnership with Konya Metropolitan Municipality with the support of Mevlana Development Agency (MEVKA), it is aimed to create a new employment area in both the aviation sector and the tourism sector by providing various trainings in the field of aviation to students. Within the scope of the project, which is planned to make a great contribution to Konya tourism, the hot air balloon brought to our University was tested.   Within the scope of the project titled "We are Teaching the Rising Aviation Profession in Rising Konya", our Rector Prof. examined the hot air balloon brought to the university and received information from the authorities. Dr. Cem Zorlu said, “Thankfully, our project that we have been working on for a long time has reached a certain point today. We continue this work together with Konya Metropolitan Municipality and MEVKA. Our main goal is; To bring balloon tourism to Konya, thus ensuring that tourists coming to Konya stay here and increase the time they spend in our city. The process of obtaining permission on the subject is currently ongoing. "I hope we will see hot air balloons in the skies of Konya with the work carried out in partnership with our university and Konya Metropolitan Municipality and supported by MEVKA," he said.   Our Rector Prof. stated that they believe that the project they attach importance to will make a great contribution to Konya tourism. Dr. Cem Zorlu wished that the study would be beneficial for Konya and Türkiye.   Our Vice Rector Prof. stated that they will take initiatives together with Konya Metropolitan Municipality to open Konya's airspace to balloon tourism under the General Directorate of Civil Aviation. Dr. Oğuz Doğan said, “With the opening of Konya airspace to balloon tourism, many balloon companies and tourists will experience the excitement of balloons in the skies of Konya. "On this occasion, we think that we, as a university, will make a great contribution to Konya and Konya tourism," he said.
