Painting Exhibition

Tarih 27.10.2022
Birim Rectorate
SDG Sustainable Cities and Communities

Our University Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture Painting Department Lecturer Prof. Mustafa Küçüköner and Kafkas University Faculty of Fine Arts Painting Department Lecturer Uğur Özen presented the exhibition titled "In the Shadow of Mount Ağrı", which they prepared within the scope of the Aras Culture and Art Symposium held at Iğdır University, to art lovers.   The opening of the exhibition was attended by Iğdır University Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hakkı Alma, Rector of Kafkas University Prof. Dr. Hüsnü Kapu, academics and art lovers attended.   Speaking about the exhibition, our University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Mustafa Küçüköner looks at the summit view of Mount Ararat from different aesthetic angles in his canvas and engraving paintings, and shows that Hz. He said he highlighted the pictorial effect images of Noah's Ark.   Prof. Dr. Küçüköner said, “Undoubtedly, Mount Ararat is the common home of humanity. Hz. When Noah stopped on Mount Ararat with his ship, all the creatures on the ship set foot on the ground here and dispersed from there to the Earth. We handled such an important geography artistically and reflected it in pictures. "In addition, our exhibition includes paintings made with engraving techniques from important historical places such as Erzurum, Ani and Ahlat in the same geography," he said.   Referring to the last volcanic eruption of Mount Ararat with the pipes he used as art objects, Kafkas University Lecturer Uğur Özen stated that in his works, he aimed to emphasize the formation of life at the foot of the mountain and its surroundings for centuries, like a game that was disrupted and re-established after each eruption."