Panagro Field Trip Enhances Business Students' Practical Knowledge

Tarih 06.05.2024
Birim Faculty of Political Science
SDG Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Students from our Faculty's Business Administration Department, under the supervision of Department Chair Prof. Dr. Ahmet Diken, visited Panagro, a subsidiary of the Torku Şeker group. During this visit, students had the opportunity to gain firsthand insights into the company's operations, production processes, and business strategies. The experience was highly productive, significantly enhancing the students' practical knowledge and understanding of real-world business practices. The visit allowed them to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts learned in the classroom and their application in a professional setting. It also provided a platform for students to interact with industry professionals, ask questions, and observe the day-to-day functioning of a major agribusiness firm, thereby enriching their educational experience.