Patent Applications in Engineering and Databases

Tarih 21.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Patents are legal instruments used to protect new and original inventions in the field of engineering. A patent grants the right to use, produce, sell, or import the invention for a specific period, typically around 20 years. For a patent to be granted, the invention must be novel and original. The patent can be related to a product or a process. To obtain a patent, one needs to apply to the relevant patent office in each country where they seek protection. After obtaining a patent, the product or process covered by the patent cannot be used by others without the consent of the patent holder. Unauthorized use may result in legal and criminal liabilities. With the advancement of technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, the importance of databases has increased. New and original databases emerging in this field may also be subject to patenting.