Tarih 21.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Law
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

On 20-21 December 2023, within the scope of the "Copyright Law Academy" project within the Social Innovation Agency, a presentation was made to a group of university students about the patenting process of inventions obtained while operating within a university. The subjects explained during the presentation were projected on the screen with a slide show, contributing to the participants to follow the subject visually. The study was explained to the participants in three main sections. In this context, firstly, explanations were made about the concept of patent and the criteria applied to determine whether an invention is at the patenting level were explained. These criteria are evaluated as novelty, overcoming the inventive step and industrial applicability. In the second main section, it is explained what kind of differences the invention to be patented may have from other inventions if it is an invention obtained by a lecturer or a student/intern. In this context, the concepts of service invention and free invention are emphasised and it is stated that inventions made within a university should be considered as service inventions. Among the service inventions, the differences of the inventions obtained within the university from other service inventions have been revealed. In the last section, information is given about the process to be carried out regarding the patent application of these inventions before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. These processes are explained one by one and it is also stated that administrative judicial remedy can be applied against the final decision given by the Authority.