Personal Hygiene Training

Tarih 13.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation, Reduced Inequalities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Within the scope of the Nursing Education Course of the Department of Teaching in Nursing, training titled "Personal Hygiene" was given to MAYYAR International Orphan Association Students.

by 2nd Year Nursing students (Revan Tayyar, Mustafa Ismail, Muhammed Said Elyasinelehabi, Cüneyd Elahmed, Salih Rislen, Muhammed Elfeti Muhammedasker, Asıa Harır Nour, Merva Alothman, İmran Elvan) under the supervision of Dr Aliye ÇAYIR and Dr Fatma YENER ÖZCAN on 13.12.2023. was carried out.

MAYYAR International Orphan Association Since the student's native language is Arabic, the education was given in Arabic.