Poster Presentations

Tarih 06.05.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education

Between May 6-10, Meram Vocational School Civil Defense and Firefighting Program students presented their poster presentations within the scope of an important event. This event was organized to support students' academic development and increase their professional knowledge. The presentations focused on firefighting sports training and search and rescue training.

The presentations on firefighting sports training included strategies to improve the physical endurance and performance of firefighters. The students explained in detail how to prepare for the physical challenges firefighters face and which types of exercises are most effective. These presentations comprehensively covered the physical preparation necessary for firefighters to perform their duties more efficiently.

The presentations in the area of search and rescue training included technical and tactical information necessary to conduct effective rescue operations in disasters and emergencies. Students presented various search and rescue techniques, equipment used and best practices in this field. In particular, information was given on fast and effective response methods in earthquakes, fires and other natural disasters.

These poster presentations contributed greatly to the academic and professional development of the students. The event helped students develop their research, information gathering and presentation skills. It also increased their commitment to their profession and motivation for their future careers. This event, which is extremely important for academic development, allowed students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice and increase their professional competencies.

As a result, this event, which took place between May 6-10, made a significant contribution to the Civil Defense and Firefighting Program students to grow as well-equipped and conscious professionals who will provide both individual and social benefits.