Printing Techniques Student Exhibition

Tarih 13.05.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Sustainable Cities and Communities

Meram Vocational School Graphic Design Program students opened an end-of-term exhibition by supporting the "Original Printing" works they did in the Printing Techniques course with digital printing. The exhibition prepared by the course instructor, Lecturer Gül Mengeş, awaits art lovers in our school.
In the works where original printing methods, flat and high printing techniques, Monotype, Stencil and High printing were used, many themes were worked on, from typographic design to story book illustrations, from spot works to kufic calligraphy. In the mixed works, printing ink and acrylic paints were generally used. In the graphic design department, where different dimensions of design are applied together, students continue to organize activities with active participation.