Private Security and Protection Program Instructors Organized a Technical Trip at Konya Private Career Security Training Center

Tarih 17.04.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Property protection and security department private security and protection program department head Dr. Lecturer Member Serdar Büyükipekçi, Lecturer. see. Murat Çalış and Lecturer. see. Ali Giray organized a technical trip to Konya Private Career Security Training Center in order to evaluate the innovations and future perspectives in the sector. The delegation met with company official Cemal Okdemir and discussed current developments and future projections in the sector. During the visit, it was aimed for the students to gain practical information about the sector and increase their field experience. Serdar Büyükipekçi, in his statement about the visit, said, "We organize these technical trips in order to provide our students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in the field. Exchanging information about the opportunities offered by Konya Private Career Security Training Center and the developments in the sector contributes to the professional development of our students." said.
Students also stated that it was an important experience to come together with sector representatives, share real-world experiences and evaluate future opportunities in the sector more closely. Konya Private Career Security Training Center official Cemal Okdemir stated that they were pleased to provide students with information about the current needs and future projections in the sector and said, "It is important for our students to follow the developments in the sector closely and gain field experience for a successful career in the future." The technical trip was considered an important step for students to have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice and to follow current developments in the sector by communicating directly with sector representatives.