Proceeding "Christian Liturgical Works of the Late Ottoman Period in Konya İzzet Koyunoğlu City Museum".

Tarih 14.10.2021
Birim Rectorate
SDG Quality Education

The paper was made by Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Department of Art History. The paper titled “Christian Liturgical Works of the Late Ottoman Period in Konya İzzet Koyunoğlu City Museum”, graduated from Hacettepe University, Faculty of Letters, Art History, and completed his Master's and PhD in Selcuk University, Head of Early Christian and Byzantine Arts Department. Instructor Dr. İlker Mete MİMİROĞLU, who graduated from Trakya University, Faculty of Letters, Art History, completed his Master's and Doctorate at Hacettepe University. Instructor Durmuş Gür graduated from Selçuk University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Art History and completed his Master's Degree at the University of Sussex (England) and his PhD at Erciyes University. See. It was also published by Cahit KARAKÖK in the 25th International Medieval and Turkish Period Excavations and Art History History Research Book. The paper is important in the sense of Art History and Archeology in terms of yield to the related reader and scientific world.