Professional Knife Training at Necmettin Erbakan University

Tarih 20.12.2023
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Vocational School gave professional knife training to its students in cooperation with Pirge Academy. In the training held in the seminar hall, corporate training specialist Fırat Erbil explained the different types of knives used in kitchens and chopping techniques.

In the training, topics such as the issues to be considered in knife selection, maintenance and cleaning of knives, chopping methods in accordance with international standards were covered. In addition, a knife sharpening contest was organized among the students. The student who came first in the competition was presented with a chef's knife by Pirge Academy.

Professional knife training aims to improve the professional skills of students studying in the field of gastronomy and culinary arts. We think that such trainings play an important role in preparing students for business life and we thank Pirge Academy.